Sunday, January 24, 2010

Glad I Have My Daffies

I keep some Daffodil bulbs in a planter next to my front porch.  It's a mixed planter, so at other times of the year, when other things in it are flourishing, the bulbs are all but forgotten, underground, awaiting their time.  This year they surprised me with how early they were coming up -- they had already made an appearance by the end of December.  Then, by the first or second week of January, I saw those buds that every year makes me wonder if they aren't Paper Whites, even though I know better.  They're a smaller, paler, less showy variety, as you may be able to see in the picture here, and not the big fancy bright yellow ones. 

Then, just as I could tell they were about ready to bloom, we got a weather prediction that here in SoCal is not too common -- a whole week of rain, a lot of it heavy!  I just knew that rain would beat them down, I had seen it before; so I thought, I'm not gonna miss 'em -- so I picked the whole contraption up, and set it down in my living room on the sofa end table with a plastic bag underneath.  And the whole week that it rained, instead of being outside where I couldn't see them and crushed to boot, they graced my living room with their cheer!  Yup, they all opened up.  They're just starting to look a bit crumply around the edges now.  But they sure did brighten up the place this whole dark, rainy week!

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